Shell LiveWIRE is a premier community and tech start-up accelerator in the Philippines and Pilipinas Shell’s flagship global enterprise development program. It provides a platform where thriving visionary founders can pitch their innovative ideas, and make their business designs viable, readily scalable, and attractive to investors. Since 2020, more than 700 bright young Filipino innovators, including community and social enterprises, have been drawn to Shell LiveWIRE, with more than 20 successful startups receiving support through training, mentoring, and capital funding.
In the first leg of this year’s Shell LiveWIRE Virtual Homeroom, the core lesson highlighted was how Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) and Start-Up methodology are concepts that are critical to the business growth of an organization and should be present in the mindset of its leaders and managers especially if they are looking to expand. Held on August 18, 2022, the sessions aim to train budding entrepreneurs and owners of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) on how to improve their services and scale.
Two established industry leaders expounded on how the acceptance and development of a workforce that has cultural, religious, gender, and socio-economic differences can spur business success and organizational strength: Guita Gopalan of eCommerce retailer Vivanti Advantage, and Shell LiveWIRE Acceleration program alumnus Henry Sison who co-founder of Agro-DigitalPH, a digital enterprise for small farmers.
Growth mindset
Serge Bernal, Pilipinas Shell’s Vice President of Corporate Relations, explained the program’s vision in nurturing the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs: “The Shell LiveWIRE Homeroom Sessions aims to develop the business skills of aspiring business owners, established entrepreneurs, and startup leaders by focusing on solutions that offer innovation and provide job creation. Practical tips on relevant topics such as having the right growth mindset, establishing business partnerships, and branding basics will be shared by our panel of industry experts.”
Sison described the growth mindset as a state of abundance that helps one welcome challenge and finds inspiration in others’ success. “It’s pushing for growth despite success or failure. Achieving growth is a journey and success is just a point in time—always remember to keep on improving,” he said.
He also explained how D&I plays an important role in facilitating business growth especially “when you solve problems or develop solutions with your clients, allowing you to keep the best interests of all parties when coming up with something new. What’s important is getting that growth mindset, that positiveness, and marrying it with D&I.”
Business inclusivity
Gopalan’s suggestion of coming up with business ideas that take into consideration all stakeholders also touches on inclusivity: “Something simpler is better. Simpler for yourself, employees, potential customers, and end customers. You could also innovate your business model. That’s really where the magic happens in the startup space: when companies can be able to innovate on traditional business models.”
Startups can also test and validate their business models as these evolve through the Lean Startup methodology, a cycle of building, measuring, and learning, particular to their sector. Gopalan expounded on this by saying, “If you adopt the Lean Startup mindset and boost that up with the methodologies and tactics, you’ll really pull together the key insights that will help your business grow better whether you are starting out, already established or part of a company trying something new.”
More Homeroom sessions
There will be two more legs of the Shell LiveWIRE Virtual Homeroom event this year:
- Leg 2 (August 25) will discuss the vital strategy of establishing partnerships and transforming them as a platform to grow one’s digital business.
- Leg 3 (September 8) will discuss how participants can increase their brand influence by creating their digital footprints.
The program, which empowers enterprises to stay profitable and competitive even in these challenging times, will continue for the foreseeable future. Interested business and enterprise owners can pre-register for the 2023 Shell LiveWIRE competition, as well as the next Shell LiveWIRE Homeroom sessions via